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A Beginner’s Guide to Hamster Care

A small pet such as a hamster often make great choices for kids, but along with the fun comes the responsibility of hamster care.  To be a responsible pet owner, kids should be trained in all aspects of the care for their new pet.

Hamsters are considered to be a pet that is easily kept.  Cute, small, furry and active, all features that appeal to children.  The hamster is a rodent that originated from the country of Syria.  The name “hamster” is derived from the German word hamstern, or “to hoard”, which is exactly what the hamster is known to do.  Their furry cheeks, seemingly small, expand greatly to accommodate the storage of food.  Bodies that range between 2 and 6 inches in length, with short, stubby legs and little ears are characteristic of the hamster, as is its silky coat of fur.

There are many different varieties of the hamster, although a few certain breeds emerge as the most popular to be kept as pets.  The Teddy Bear hamster is one of the most popular; a long haired breed that is also one of the largest in the species.  Deciding which hamster to have as a pet will be the first hurdle to overcome.

Buying a hamster

Although people use the internet as a source for many things, pets should never be purchased online.  There is no method to determine the health of the animal before it arrives, and the little creatures are sent to you using ground shipping methods; a rough, frightening and unsafe way for them to travel.  Find a reliable dealer of hamsters and visit them in person so you can see the conditions in which they are kept as well as talk to knowledgeable personnel about the process of keeping hamsters.  Hamsters are available in different sizes, and the age and experience of your child can help to determine which type you choose.  While they may want a hamster, care must be considered. Small children are not the most gentle pet handlers, so the dwarf or pygmy varieties are likely not a good choice for them.  Another consideration is how interactive you plan to be with the hamster.  Training the creature to be hand tamed may indicate a larger hamster; they do best on their own with no other hamsters as companions.  If the plan is to simply observe the hamsters without handling them, the small dwarf varieties can provide hours of entertainment, and they do very well in groups.

Hamster cage

Before you purchase your hamster, you should have its new home set up for its arrival.  Several types of cages make great homes for hamsters; wire cages, aquarium cages and connectible cages.  Each type has their own specific advantages and disadvantages, so it is important to know all types and choose what will work best for you.

Wire Cages

*Wire cages provide a nice climbing environment for the hamster with the metal bars encircling the cage. 
*Air circulates well throughout the cage
*The little guy will be able to chew away at the bars without causing any damage whatsoever.

*The open air environment can become too warm or cool for the hamster. 
*Expect more mess of litter and food as the hamster burrows and scatters material.
*Wire bars can rust

Aquarium Cages

*Viewing hamster activity is enhanced
*All litter and food will be contained with less mess

*Smells, heat and humidity tend to accumulate with a totally enclosed environment.

Connective Cages

*Plenty of opportunities for adding on.
*A never ending playground for the hamster.

*Most costly to begin and continue
*Air circulation is not optimal

Whichever type of cage is chosen, there are some considerations on placement of the home.  The cage should not be placed near a window where sunlight will heat the enclosure uncomfortably during the summer or cold winds could cause a draft in the winter.


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